Personal Injury Lawyers in Newton, MA

We serve Personal Injury Clients in Newton, Massachusetts

Car and truck crashes. Motorcycle and bicycle crashes.  Pedestrian collisions.  Dog bites.  Sexual abuse. Other serious injuries.

This is only a partial list of injuries that can be suffered due to the negligence or wrongful actions of other people.

Our firm represents clients with dedication, compassion, and a single-minded focus on getting injured clients and their families full and fair compensation.  We strive to hold wrongdoers responsible and accountable for their actions.


Settlements & Verdicts

A woman who needed elbow surgery following a rear-end automobile collision.

A young child sexually abused by a family member.

A burn/scar case for young professional caused by a prominent Boston day spa.

A man who fell down a stairwell that was too dark.


All Settlement & Verdicts

We are a Boutique Personal Injury Law Firm in Newton, MA


This means that we are focused on representing a limited number of clients in a few specialized areas of legal practice.  While our firm is small in size, we have big-firm capabilities to go to trial against large corporations, their insurers, and their teams of lawyers.

We believe that each case and every client is vitally important. Every individual who suffers pain or distress from an injury deserves compensation so he or she can move forward in life.

Personal Injury is Personal – It’s About You

No one asks to be injured. While we know that money can never fully compensate a client, it can provide needed medical care, income replacement, and a measure of justice for pain and suffering endured.

We don’t treat clients like they are part of a factory line.  We provide individualized focus and attention and are very responsive to client needs.

We are available to update clients about their matter, and to help them manage aspects of their case, such as insurance matters in a personal injury case.  We are available for client questions, e-mails, and calls at the convenience of our clients, which can include nights and weekends.

Do You Need an Attorney for a Personal Injury Lawsuit in Newton, MA?

A skilled personal injury attorney is dedicated to securing compensation for individuals harmed due to the negligence or intentional acts of others. These legal professionals not only strive for financial restitution but also work diligently to cover medical expenses, lost earnings, emotional distress, and other related costs incurred due to the incident.

Seasoned personal injury attorneys possess a deep understanding of the intricacies involved in injury claims, offering comprehensive guidance to their clients throughout the recovery journey and the path to normalcy post-injury.

Personal injury cases often involve dealings with insurance companies. Attorneys are well-versed in negotiating with insurers, equipped with a thorough knowledge of relevant insurance regulations and procedures.

Engaging a personal injury law firm significantly enhances the likelihood of a favorable financial outcome and helps avoid potential pitfalls that could jeopardize the claim, such as overlooking critical deadlines or mishandling no-fault insurance claims.

While not all injuries necessitate legal action, it is crucial to consider two key questions if you suspect a viable claim:

Have you sustained an injury in Newton, MA?

Was the injury a result of someone else’s actions?

An affirmative answer to both questions warrants immediate consultation with a personal injury attorney.

Understanding the Statute of Limitations

Typically, there is a three-year window from the date of injury to initiate a lawsuit for damages in such cases. This statute of limitations serves to protect defendants from outdated claims and ensures the preservation of crucial evidence for plaintiffs.

Procrastination in filing a claim can severely handicap both you and your legal representation. It’s not uncommon for insurance companies to prolong negotiations, potentially leaving the injured party without negotiating power post the three-year mark.

In certain scenarios, exceptions to the statute of limitations exist, such as cases involving minors or when the defendant has deliberately concealed their liability.

How Much Does it Cost to Hire a Newton, MA Personal Injury Lawyer?

Most personal injury attorneys operate on a contingency fee basis, meaning their payment hinges on the case’s outcome.

This arrangement ensures that the attorney’s fee, typically a percentage of the recovered amount, is only applicable if the case is successful. This structure also means that clients are not liable for attorney fees if the case does not result in financial recovery.

The Process of a Personal Injury Lawsuit in Newton, MA

Navigating a personal injury claim can be complex, particularly for those unfamiliar with tort and personal injury law. An experienced attorney can make a significant difference in the outcome of your case.

Filing a “complaint” is the initial step in a lawsuit, detailing the defendant’s alleged wrongdoings and the resultant damages. This is followed by a series of legal procedures leading up to the trial, where your attorney will advocate on your behalf to secure the compensation you deserve.

While insurance claims might seem sufficient, they often fall short in covering comprehensive damages, making a lawsuit a more viable route for substantial compensation.

Negotiating with insurance companies and preparing for trial are critical phases where your attorney’s expertise can profoundly impact the settlement offered and the overall case strategy.

The attorney can also help to negotiate a settlement prior to filing a lawsuit in Court, although it is often necessary to file a formal suit.

Compensation in Personal Injury Cases

Successful personal injury claims typically revolve around proving negligence, which requires demonstrating the defendant’s duty, breach of duty, causation, and the damages incurred. The types of damages pursued in court can vary, but often include medical expenses, lost wages, emotional distress, and pain and suffering, among others.

Determining Fault and Liability

In trial scenarios, the jury plays a pivotal role in fact-finding, including the validation of injury claims and the valuation of damages. An attorney’s closing argument can be influential in persuading the jury towards a favorable decision.

It’s essential to refrain from discussing your case outside of legal counsel to avoid compromising your claim, especially when multiple parties might share fault.

In conclusion, navigating a personal injury claim requires the expertise of a skilled attorney to ensure a fair and just resolution, encompassing compensation for all damages and holding the responsible parties accountable.


How Has Your Life Been Affected by Your Injury?

We take the time to learn how the injury has affected your life and the life of your family. Understanding the full scope of how your injuries have affected your life and your ability to engage in family and other activities will be helpful in our effort to recover full compensation for you.

Call Us Today for a Free Consultation. There is No Fee Unless You Recover.

In personal injury cases, we represent clients on a contingency fee basis, which means that we charge no fee until we obtain a verdict or settlement. We assume the risk — if we are unsuccessful, you will not owe us any fee for our time. We offer a free initial telephone consultation so that you can learn about the legal options available for your matter and how we can help.


Client Review

“I found the firm quick to respond, knowledgeable, and highly professional in dealing with both sides in a personal injury claim. I recommend them highly.”

Google 5 Star Review – J.G.

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